
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Good Tips for Avoiding Computer Infections

Laptop and computer viruses have been around for decades and combating these cyber bugs continues to be a challenge for many PC owners. Viruses often result in costly repairs, loss of data and the headache of being without your computer.

Fear not! A basic understanding of what they are combined with a few simple maintenance tasks can help keep you computer virus free and performing at its best.

Just What Is A Computer Virus?

A computer virus is actually a software application that's been developed by an individual. The goal of the virus is usually to cause chaos and damage to the PC. While in most cases computer infections are tied to software programs, on rare occasions a virus can harm a portion of the computer’s hardware.

Thankfully, hardware damage is quite rare. The only way malware can harm the computer’s hardware is by exploiting a problem inside the hardware’s programming. For instance, a virus may target your computers processor fan by reducing the speed that it runs at. This has the potential to result in the processor overheating and causing it to melt down.

Ways to Avoid Infecting Your Computer

Exactly how do you protect against computer viruses? This is a major question that people face on a daily basis. The very first action to take in the fight to keep your PC secure is to maintain up-to-date anti-virus software. I emphasize the phrase "up-to-date". This means your antivirus program must be kept up to date on a daily basis. New viruses appear daily and if you aren't diligent with updating your antivirus software, in a matter of hours, you may be exposing your computer to harmful infections.

Another important tip relates to your other software programs. The reality is, even diligent updates and the best antivirus program doesn't guarantee protection from infections entering your PC. Other vulnerabilities can still exist in your computer's system. Even the latest and highest priced computers and laptops are susceptible to professional hackers. There is no such thing as an unbreachable computer system. As I stated above, reducing the exposure your computer has to infections gives you the best chance.

For this reason, along with keeping current with your anti-virus software, all the third party software you use must be kept up to date and the most important software program you have is your operating system. It's crucial you keep this current.

Nearly 80 % of the planet uses a Microsoft software program. Which is why, it is and will remain the preferred target of online hackers. Manage your Microsoft Windows settings to automatically download and install updates. This will keep Windows security current helping to prevent computer viruses.

The same applies to your other software programs such as Microsoft Office, web browsers, accounting software and even computer games. All software programs are under continuous improvements once it enters the marketplace and they are just as vulnerable, if not more vulnerable to computer viruses than your operating system.

Lastly, always be cautious when downloading software from the internet. Make sure files are from trusted and safe websites.

1 comment:

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